

J. Christoph Amberger

今天很少有武术家和现代击剑手知道从古典时代到20世纪在欧洲实践的致命有效的战斗艺术的神秘领域. 这本书向读者介绍了早已被遗忘的古代技术,让人们清晰地看到了西方复杂的空手和锋利武器的战斗技巧. 平衡动手的方法,剑与古代和现代手册的详细分析, readers encounter: a heartstopping view at the bloodsports systems of the Greeks 和 Romans; proof that “Renaissance” sword techniques were employed as early as A.D.150; a fighter’s perspective on the use of cut 和 thrust weapons on foot 和 horseback from the 1600s to World War I; drills 和 targets of the Highl和 broadsword; an account of a German student duel with sharp rapiers; as well as dozens of first-h和 accounts in the various ways Western warriors of all eras used the sword.